Preventive Dental Care in Irvine, CA
Checkups and Preventive Cleanings
Regular dental checkups and cleanings are essential to maintaining healthy teeth for life. During your checkup, Dr. Yu will examine your teeth and gums for any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health issues. During your teeth cleaning process, our dental hygienist will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and along the gums, helping to prevent the development of cavities and gum disease in the future. If any treatments are needed, your routine exams allow us to intercept them earlier, while treatment options are more conservative.
Digital X-rays
Periodontal Assessment & Gum Disease Treatment
Oral Cancer Screenings
Are You Due for a Dental Checkup?
At Irvine Spectrum Dental, we believe that preventive dentistry is the key to maintaining good oral health. Contact us today to schedule your next dental checkup and cleaning with Irvine dentist.